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Today is March 10, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Dauphin, PA
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I am a licensed psychologist and certified school psychologist, special educator, author, and speaker. In my practice, I focus primarily on providing support to children, teens, and adults with autism spectrum and other developmental disorders and their families. I utilize an individualized strengths-based approach along with evidence-based practices to evaluate, diagnose, counsel, coach, consult, advocate and teach individuals struggling with social, behavioral and learning differences to function at their best at home, school, work and in the community. View 9 Photos Autism spectrum (ASD) and other developmental disabilities create unique challenges and opportunities for the individuals with the disorder and their families. Developing an understanding of the disorder, treatment options and supporting accommodations can be daunting, but there is hope for a better tomorrow. It is my passion and privilege to support people with ASD and their families. I understand the unique challenges that this disorder can cause. This understanding paired with my education and work experiences makes me a good choice when selecting someone to help in your time of need.

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